iPad In The Kitchen

There is a little company named after fruit that just came out with a small gadget which just might catch on. The company is Apple and the gadget is the iPad. I think they sold around 300,000 of them on Saturday when they went on sale. Who cares? I might, because I think it could be an outstanding kitchen tool. When I start testing a new dish, I usually search the Internet for three examples of the recipe. After comparing and contrasting them, I derive the ingredients and techniques that are similar and deem them the recipe’s core principals. That is my starting place. My iPhone is too small for this and I don’t like getting flour in my laptop keyboard, so I usually do my online research at my desk, not in the kitchen, where I would rather be.

A few weeks back, I was invited by Kathryn Stevens to eat at Apple’s new employee restaurant on their North Austin campus. A self confessed anti-gadget person, Kathryn was excited about the iPad, “I have already picked out a place on my kitchen shelf with my cookbooks to put it.” She has a great point. You can store your personal PDF recipes, watch cooking videos and check Rachael Ray’s Twitter feed. At the end of the day wipe it off and slide it next to Larousse’s Gastronomique.

What can’t a iPad do in the kitchen? Sorry, Stephen. It isn’t, in fact, good at making salsa. I tried (I’m a loyal minion). A Ginsu knife it is not.


5 replies on “iPad In The Kitchen”

  1. Yep I plan on using it that way. Need to load pdfs of recipes I like on my drop box or on the iPad itself. And then bookmark all my recipe sites. Could have used help with butterfish tonight. :-(. Any recipes for next time. Tried misoyaki butterfish before but botched it badly. Still better than what we made tonight.

  2. you should write an ipad app for recipes (retrieval, blog, share site?!??). sell it, make millions, retire to food heaven

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