Trailer Food Changes in the Works

The Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department is scheduled to present a set of final recommendations to a City Council committee on revisions to the Mobile Vending Permits. Below is probably what you will need to accomplish to sling food out of a trailer. It’s filled will complicated legal mubo jumbo, so I have helped out by putting it in layman’s terms.

• Provide proof of a state sales tax permit. (Pay the Man, like everyone else.)

• Pass inspection by the Fire Department. (Don’t burn a hole in S. Congress.)

• Document use of central food preparation facilities and provide notarized certification of the facilities. (Quit making Queso in your bathtub.)

• Provide an itinerary of truck routes. (It’s called a mobile permit for a reason.)

• Provide written permission for employees to use restrooms at the businesses from which the vendors lease space. (No peeing in the creek.)

I like food trailers, but I don’t think many of them qualify under the current Mobile Vending Permit (restricted or unrestricted). Why doesn’t the City come up with a unique permit for these food businesses? They could name it the Immobile Pirate Street Food Permit. : New rules for mobile vendors taking shape

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