Bread V6.0

Mix, rest, rise and repeat. Making something over and over is sometimes the only way to get consistent at it. My bread is getting better, just need to stop fussing with the ratios.


Twenty One Left to Go

In an attempt to bake bread in the shape of every one of the 22 human organs, I give to you the pancreas. Don’t ask me how to recreate this beauty, it would take way too long for me to explain. At this point, I don’t think the Upper Crust Bakery should be worrying about […]



Last weeks “Bread V4.0” was re-purposed to French Toast over the weekend. Super easy to make: dip bread in a wash of egg, milk and cinnamon. Then lightly skillet fry. Those French, they think of everything. First, French Fries, now this!


Bread V4.0

O.K., it’s a little lumpy, but I’m on a new track: cold fermentation. I have been reading about this technique in a few books, but wasn’t quite sure about it’s significance until I came across Peter Reinhart’s chapter in The Bread Baker’s Apprentice. Cold fermentation for 12 – 24 hours gives time for the sugars […]


Cold Comfort

You should have listened to the crazy old lady working in the Nursery department at Lowe’s. “I wouldn’t put those’s tomato plants in the ground till after Easter, it could still freeze.” Then, you walk back to your car, sweating from the 88 degree heat, shaking your head. Sure your new plants are dead from […]


Baked Toast

Say you have twelve people spending the night this weekend (it could happen). They are probably going to be hungry in the morning. You cast a weary eye towards your two slice toaster. Not to worry! Pull out a baking sheet (or a piece of tin foil), butter up some bread and whip it in […]
