St. Edward’s Gets It

Great article in the local paper about St. Edward’s University in South Austin. Twenty percent of its food budget is spent on local ingredients. And every Fall, beginning in 2005, it designates a day for its Eat Local Challenge. Good for them. Makes me want to go back to school.

Q: Who Cares About Farmers Markets?

A: I think I just fell in love with a head of lettuce. I don’t even know what kind it was, you would have to ask Carol Ann. The thing was perfect.

I know what cooks mean when they say that they found one ingredient and they built a meal around it. I think I even said out loud, “I guess we are having a salad tonight”. Honey Dijon vinaigrette, Pure Luck Feta, Apple and backyard Pecans.

Small Dice

Flavor is in small packets. The lowly carrot. The overlooked onion. The forgotten celery. The French nailed this; Merepoix. You can add it to about anything and jack up the flavor.

The People We Eat With

Austin has a dinner club, Dai Due. They are of note because they serve local, wonderfully prepared food. I have been looking into attending one of their events. I love the idea that they serve local food, but I realized that there is another reason I want to go. The idea that I can share a meal with people in my community that have the same ideas about food that I have. I think ‘people’ might be the ultimate missing ingredient.

Finger Sandwiches

How happy can cheese get? I think it might just have found it’s home, between tomato and pesto. Mini tomato and mozzarella sandwiches with home made mayo and pesto.

Chip It

Man, Oh, man. Tasty. Go out and get some local tortillas, drop them in hot oil and you have golden, inexpensive, tasty, tasty (yes twice), goodness. Go ahead and hit them with a little salt when they are hot.