Big Bite

Ever wake up wondering why there is a spatula in your hand? Usually, there is a sandwich on the counter that explains a lot. This time, it was chicken, red onion, red bell pepper, Romaine lettuce, bumpy mustard and the rest of the usual suspects.

Potato Latkes

I usually have leftover mashed potatoes around. That’s because my wife thinks they have roughly the same value as uncut diamonds. She may be on to something, because they make a great, quick Potato Latke. Mix with a little onion and egg and you have some million dollar pancakes.

Fish Sticks

Fish and Chips. I was looking around for a replacement to Atlantic Cod (it’s under some pressure at the moment). Pacific Cod’s numbers are looking good, but when you can, root for the home team: Grouper from the Gulf. Man, was this a good choice. Sweet, flakey and light. Not unlike my first girlfriend.

Would Someone Throw This At Me?

A friend of mine told me a story about when he was a short order cook. A customer returned a Cobb Salad by throwing it at him through the kitchen window because he didn’t like how it was prepared. I always strive to make mine above that baseline. Any time someone is throwing your food […]

Fryalated Arts

Has this ever worked? French fries at home that taste as good or better than a restaurant? I even made these in a dutch oven with a gallon of oil. I checked the temperature. I blanched them, then did a second fry for crispness, dryed them on a rack, and they still were not as […]