Pizza Construction

I get a lot of email about the pizza, so I thought I would break it down for you. The dough is the magic. If it is good, your 3/4 there. Instant Rapid Rise yeast packet, cup warm water, about three cups flour, pinch salt. I mix it slowly in a standing mixer, adding the flour a little at a time ’til it comes together in a sticky ball. Then I knead by hand so I can tell the consistency. It should still be a little sticky at the end. Let it rise to double it’s original size, punch it down, let it rise again (aprox. 45 min each rise). This makes enough for two pizzas. Have the oven already going on 500+. Roll out one ball and let it rest for 10 min. This gets some air back into the crust (because you just rolled it all out). For the sauce, it’s just canned crushed Italian tomatoes and salt and pepper. Spend your money on high-quality mozzarella. Bake it on a pizza screen that you bought at the restaurant supply place. Pizza above is chicken pesto and red onion.