Feeding the Monster

Did you see the NY Times article on Dairy Management? They are a non-profit organization that is an off-shoot of the Federal Department of Agriculture that was formed to help promote the dairy industry. Apparently, they are the group that paid for Domino’s Pizza’s new “made with real cheese” pizzas and funded the massive advertising blitz that we are currently being assaulted with.

I’m on the fence about weather the government should be supporting the dairy industry, but I do know one thing. If Dairy Management is going to be handing out money, it should be going to CKC Farms, Pure Luck Dairy and the Antonelli’s Cheese Shop and not fueling the mass production of shitty pizza.

3 replies on “Feeding the Monster”

  1. It is hard to believe that a government backed group is pushing fast food with their right hand, while we are all being lectured to eat healthier and lose weight on the other hand. I’m all about supporting the dairy industry by buying high quality cheese, but what does Domino’s use?

  2. I am against it, the dairy industry is just another form of cheap food at the hands of globalization… How come they don’t promote local farmer’s markets? The dairy industry thrives on the cheap cattle industry, that is what they are promoting it. High red meat diet causes calcium depletion through your urine. Cheap cattle is fed sh*tty corn that our government subsidizes which is used to make high fructose corn syrup, who are we helping out!!! Good healthy food is always going to be expensive due to seasonal availability & quality, but we can lower the cost if our government helps out local cheese, dairy, farmers that care about quality and not quantity.

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