Cooking in Austin: Reggie Ferguson

Reggie Ferguson

I have been thinking about how the Austin area influences the people living in it (or vice versa). Is there a particular technique, dish or ingredient that illustrates this for a particular person? I headed over to The Grove Wine Bar & Kitchen and asked my friend Reggie Ferguson.

Reggie Ferguson

Reggie has been cooking here just about his whole life. Starting over a campfire with his dad and then on to restaurant kitchens like the Granite, Bitter End, 34th Street Cafe, Mars and now The Grove. If you have dined out in Austin in the last fifteen years, you have probably eaten his food.

Reggie Ferguson

His cooking is big on regional favorites and ingredients. Chicken fried steak with cracked pepper gravy, fresh Tuna from the gulf coast and the heat of roasted peppers. I love Reggie’s cooking and I’m glad he calls Austin home.

2 replies on “Cooking in Austin: Reggie Ferguson”

  1. Hi I am Reggie’s Daughter and I was just wondering who you were and if I know you so if you would please reply to this that would be great.

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