Odd Couple


Summer sandwich season is in full swing. Better make some mayo. Egg and oil. You would think something made up of two main ingredients would be easy to make. I have tried a few ways to get them together and have ended up going old school. Bowl and a whisk. I use local eggs that give it a great pale yellow color.


It’s that time of year. Not only are tomatoes falling out of the sky, so is the basil. Pesto time.

Great on pizza with some goat cheese and red onion. I even threw some in our scrambled eggs this morning. Not bad.

Spice Trade

I just had to go get some spices and was killed by the prices. They ranged from $3 – $6! Plus, I don’t even know how old they are. They could have been sitting there for a year.

So, I do what any outraged citizen would do; I went and bought a coffee grinder at a garage sale ($1). Then, I went and bought some dried chipotle peppers ($1.29). Two minutes and $2.29 later…

Green Goddess

Vintage salad. The Green Goddess. Like a Caesar, except with handfuls of fresh herbs, avocado and cucumber. Throw a couple crab cakes with aioli on top and you got yourself a dinner.