Snapper Enchiladas and the Case of the Missing Worm

Gulf Coast Snapper, Grilled Local Corn (suspiciously early in the season and suspiciously worm free), diced tomatoes with Cheddar and Tomatillo Salsa. The filling is bright, flavorful and straightforward to make: pan-seared fish fillets, grilled corn til it is almost done and dice the tomatoes. The salsa is raw: combine eight or ten tomatillos in a Cuisinart with a cup of diced white onion, three garlic cloves (peeled) and salt to taste. Assemble the rolls, sauce the plate, sprinkle with cheddar and place under a broiler til the cheese gets melty (it’s a scientific term). Splash some sour cream on top and crown with a grilled lime. Is it just me or does that sauce look like hair gel from the 1990’s?

Things I Have Learned About THCWFF

The majestic spectacle that is the Texas Hill Country Wine and Food Festival has just come to an end. It capped off the Sunday Fair like a soggy exclamation point stuck in the Driftwood mud. The Fair seemed to lean more towards the wine end of things, with the Friday night Stars across Texas being more of the local restaurant scene.

My highlights from all the festivities were the ceviche from La Condesa, mussels from Uchi, meeting Dr. Kracker, Annie’s chocolate caramel dessert and the guy from Pine Ridge winery who hit on my wife.
Knowing what I know now, next year, the Stars event (even with the $ premium) will be my main target. Although watching snappily dressed women fall face first into mud-soaked straw can amuse me for hours, I’ll stick closer to town.