Lonely Vegetables


Sometimes, all you have in the fridge are vegetables. If you faced this dilemma, there is a handy little trick to make things better. It’s called deep frying. It’s a flavor time machine. Here is what you need: lonely vegetables, heavy skillet with oil (Canola or Peanut) and a batter mix. There are many variations of tempura batter. I prefer to streamline things to two ingredients: flour and ice cold soda water. The mix should look like lumpy pancake batter. Slice the vegetables relatively thin so they will cook all the way through by the time the batter is golden brown (around 1/8 to 1/4 inch).  Dip, fry, then hit them with a little sprinkle of salt. Let them cool on a rack so they don’t get soggy. Above we have zucchini, yellow squash and red onion.