

Family style pasta. It feeds the masses and is inexpensive. Picky kids? No problem. Vegetarian cousin? No problem. No money? No problem. Doctoring this dish up is the key. I simmer shallots, red pepper flakes and sliced garlic in olive oil until the pan gets fragrant but the ingredients don’t brown. Toss in the cooked pasta and let it absorb the goodness. Then, totally flatten it with the best grated Parmesan you can find (save the bagged stuff for a true emergency). Toast some bread and rub it with a raw garlic clove. The clove will disintegrate as you rub, transferring the goodness. Now, make up a fancy Italian name for this dish to tell your guests. Ale Ole Pasta Americana Texanica? Welcome to the start of the holiday season (happy Halloween!), you just rescued a family meal on the cheap!