Secret Sauce

Tomato Sauce

Here’s the problem I have with pizza sauces (or most tomato sauces inĀ  general). Long and slow is great, but it kills the bright tomato flavor. Simmer a sauce for three hours? You might as well just squeeze a tube of tomato paste on your pie. At what point does it turn into Ketchup?

Secret Sauce

For the first time ever, I am going to reveal my secret pizza sauce. Go get a can of San Marzano crushed tomatoes and a can opener. Now, the trick is to turn your wrist slowly when opening the can or you will scare the tomatoes. Very quietly, spoon some of the raw tomato onto your pizza crust and resist the urge to do anything else to it. A sprinkling of dried oregano? OK. Salt? No, it’s in the cheese. Bright, clean, simple.