Ate It To Death

Ceasar Salad

Frightening how much I liked Caesar salad. I don’t know why this isn’t a more common salad made at home. If you already make your own dressings, this one isn’t much more complicated.

Ceasar Salad

Like most dressings, olive oil is the base. The acid component is lemon juice, instead of the typical vinegar. The flavoring components are garlic, Worcestershire sauce and anchovies. An egg yolk adds creaminess (and fat!). The anchovies don’t add a ‘fishiness’, but a complex depth of flavor. If the dressing tastes ‘fishy’, then the anchovies are low quality or you used too many. Give it a try, you will be surprised how many you can add.

The Ceasar Salad

Who doesn’t like croutons? I just had some for breakfast. They couldn’t be easier to make. You are basically leaving bread out to dry. My method is to take the end of a good loaf of bread, cut it into cubes and toss them in a bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper. Pre-heat your oven to 350. When it’s reached temperature, spread your croutons-to-be out on a sheet pan and put them in. Right when you do that, turn your oven off. I know! You just turned it on. But, all you want is the trapped heat. Let your croutons hang out while the oven cools down. In an hour or so, you’re done. Not too much heavy lifting.

6 replies on “Ate It To Death”

  1. may i ask the measurements or at least ratios that you use for your dressing?

  2. The base is the same as most other dressings, 2 to 1, fat to vinegar (this case, yolk to lemon). Then add the seasonings.

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