Painfully Perfect Bacon

Bacon is the gateway drug for vegetarians. They don’t want to eat meat, but then there is bacon. Staring them in the face. Taunting them with it’s smoky, fatty goodness. Perfect crispy, caramel colored strips of love. Cooking it can be tricky, though after a Friday or Saturday night of one too many drinks. You’re working with an open flame (at my house), hot grease and a slippery meat product. Dangerous times in the kitchen. Because of the splattering grease alone, I recommend not trying this in the nude (helps avoid embarrassing explanations at the doctor’s office).

To guard against the above mentioned embarrassing pitfalls, I choose an alternate to the traditional bacon/frying pan method. Instead, I opt for the restaurant approach: oven frying. Nice, even, constant heat, helps prevent shrinkage, burnage (did I just invent a word?) and the dreaded “burned in the middle and raw on the end-age”. Cut some parchment paper wider and longer than your sheet pan. Fold the edges so it fits and forms something like a liner. Arrange said bacon. Deposit in 375 degree oven. Cook for 20 – 30 minutes. Dry on paper towels. Easy clean up. Perfect bacon. Every time. You’re welcome.

19 replies on “Painfully Perfect Bacon”

  1. Wow that definitely didn’t help my pre-lunch hunger. I found your blog via TasteSpotting and love your blog!

  2. Laurel,
    Thanks for the note. Austin seems to be bacon crazy right now. Thanks for reading!


  3. This is the ONLY way I make my bacon you are right it comes out perfect every time. Sometimes for a added special treat I will sprinkle brown sugar on top to make it “candied” it’s a bit over the top but worth it. I love your picture, it’s as if she is handing that delicious pork fat over to us. Mmmmmm Bacon!

  4. I’ve been “frying” my bacon this way for years. I put the bacon on a rack in the sheet pan so the fat drains off. Works every time.

  5. We’re ALWAYS bacon crazy!
    If you’ve never fried bacon naked, you’ve never lived! Everyone should try it at least once. That said, I love the oven method. Thank you.

  6. Next time, sprinkle a bit of brown sugar and some red pepper flakes on your bacon before you put it in the oven. They’ll melt and meld to form a sweet-and-spicy glaze. You’ll never go back to regular bacon again.

  7. Loving these comments! Brown sugar? Pepper flakes? Why don’t we just cut to the chase and put on a little brown sugar, peppers, truffles, bourbon and pixie dust?

  8. Just brown sugar and pepper flakes. Mix them together in a ramiken – about a tablespoon of flakes to every 1/4 cup of sugar. Sprinkle the concoction on the bacon. Be generous.

    When they melt together, the pixie dust magically appears. In fact, my friends call it Magic Bacon. When I show up to a brunch without it, there is much disappointment.

    I’d love to take credit but credit goes to Paula Deen.

  9. Mmmmmmm. Magic Pixie Bacon! I love it. Also, if Paula Deen is prepared properly, delicious as well.

  10. I like the oven method. On a separate note, I watched Paula make the most ridiculous thing on her show – bacon & egg burgers using two glazed donuts (Krispy Kreme I think) for buns. What a ridiculous fat bomb. Everything in moderation, including moderation.

  11. Jodi, you’ve had magic bacon before! It’s my potluck favorite. (I did try the same cooking method on sausage at Adam’s on New Year’s Day — it wasn’t the same. Not at all.)

  12. I tried this yesterday, and I am a fan! The bacon tastes great, and my house doesn’t smell like man all day.

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