Take Two: Barr Mansion

Back in June of this year, Barr Mansion had a bad day. The historic barn that served as their event center burned to the ground. The picture above is from a few days ago. Melanie, Barr Mansion’s owner, is chatting with Kevin of Heritage Barns as a new structure goes up. The framing took one day and the finish-out should be completed by the end of January.

The Dutch style barn started it’s life in Mohawk Valley of upstate New York. The timbers are from Hemlock trees. I know what you are thinking, I didn’t think Hemlock were trees, just a tasty beverage. Need a barn, grist mill or carriage house? Kevin has a few in stock. I got my eye on a tasty little Hops barn from the 1870’s. Sweet!

Barr Mansion will be hosting the Sustainable Food Center’s Farm to Plate benefit on May 12th, 2011. One of our favorite events. Great opportunity to check out the new structure while having tasty bites for good cause.

Barr Mansion: 10463 Sprinkle Road Austin, TX  (512) 926-6907
Heritage Barns: 257 Fort Graham Road Waco, TX  (877) 35-4BARNS
SFC Farmers Markets: Downtown Sat. 9-1pm, Sunset Valley Sat. 9-1pm, Triangle Wed. 3-7pm