Skinny Chicken, Breadcrumbs, Cheese

My go-to comfort food: Chicken Parmesan. It takes some effort, but I usually have all the ingredients in my pantry to whip this up at the end of day that wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

The pasta is the easiest part and the first to get rolling. It’s a pretty simple procedure: boiling water, salt, dried pasta. Rolling boil. I check it after eight or nine minutes. The only trick is to snatch a piece out to test for doneness without the scene degrading into a scalding game of slippery, limp Pickup Sticks.

Pounded Pound of Flesh: I don’t go super thin. Since the chicken is going to, essentially, cook twice (pan fry, broil), I leave it about an inch thick (approximate the depth of my wit) to hedge my bets on it drying out to much. Standard Breading Procedure is then followed: salt/pepper, flour, egg wash, panko bread crumb.

WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break • WINE Break

Pan fry the breaded chicken, then top with tomato sauce, parmesan, mozzarella and broil to meltiness. Plate a big spiral of noodles, top with chicken and all the good stuff in the pan. Pour more wine. Wonder why the bottle is almost empty. Pack the leftovers in the refrigerator knowing that a Chicken Parmesan Sandwich is in your future. Click on the images below for more highlights.

One reply on “Skinny Chicken, Breadcrumbs, Cheese”

  1. That looks delicious and deceptively easy. Will have to try sometime. Cheese of choice? Mozzarella?

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