Grow Your Own: August

O.K. kids! You’ve read the news. Sometimes food at the grocery store can kill you. Maybe, I overstated that (just don’t eat peanut butter, tomatoes, lettuce, dog food…).  Luckily, there is an alternative. A new trend is sweeping the nation: gardening. Apparently, it started in the prehistoric age; those caveman freaks! If you fall into the prior category (gardener, […]

Supplies At Hand

Get out there and harvest all your tomatoes and basil in the garden before the heat puts the hurt on (if it hasn’t all ready). I made this Summer Pesto Appetizer with my garden ingredients. Hollowed out tomatoes, mozzarella, and pesto. Bonus: didn’t have to turn on a burner to do it.


Suggestion number 11661 of what to do with all those tomatoes ripening in your garden. Insalata Caprese. This is not complicated and that is why it is hard. Three or four stripped down ingredients: basil, tomato and Buffalo Mozzarella. Each is distinct. If one is off, it disrupts the balance. Nothing to hide behind. The […]