The Recession Is Not Over Yet


Rice and Bean tacos. That’s a creative challenge for a cook. How do you make them exciting? I do mine in two parts. First, cook some rice: one part rice, two parts water, covered pan, thirty minutes, no peaking. Part two, the beans. I start by sauteing onion, garlic and red pepper flakes over a medium flame. I am not looking to caramelize the ingredients, just to loosen them up so they release their flavors. Add a can of beans and remove from the heat. I just want the beans to come up to temperature, but not to boil off any of the liquid in the pan.

Now, while we are waiting for the rice to finish: turn on your TV to the Food Network. While staring at the screen, shake your head and wonder what the hell went wrong. OK, rice is done now. While it’s hot, combine it with the bean mixture. The rice will soak up all the remaining liquid. Serve on a tortilla with some lettuce, hot sauce, sour cream, cheese or what ever your fancy. Congratulations, Champ. You just made a tasty meal and saved a few bucks in the process.