Magical Switches and Miniature Minions

Egg On Toast

Breakfast has never been my favorite meal. I got worn out after years of eating eggs and toast. But, some kind of magical switch got thrown a few weeks ago and I am back on it. Eggs over easy with a crusty piece of bread to mop up the yolk.

Fried Egg

Julia Child taught me how to cook an egg without it sticking to the pan.  That kind of sounds like Julia and I were just chillin’ one morning and she showed me, didn’t it?! When I say “taught me”, I mean I saw her on TV demonstrating it. But, it was like she was talking only to me! The trick is the temperature difference between the pan and the egg. If the pan isn’t hot enough (or if the egg is too cold), it sticks and won’t release. This holds true for Sunny Side Up, Easy Over or Scrambled. Also, you need a some sort of hot fat for the egg to ride on. I use Canola oil (butter tends to smoke). Done right, the egg will be floating across the pan.

Egg on Toast Art

Done wrong and you will need these guys to jackhammer the egg away from your skillet. Food deconstruction artwork provided by Dan Jackson.