Hill Country Fourth

Probably one of my most memorable Fourth of July’s was this last one. I was parked out in the hill country with all of the necessities: lamb (deceased), cocktails, scenic vistas, ripe tomatoes and good friends.

The main course was Loncito Leg of Lamb, Hot and Cold Pea and Green Bean Salad. The lamb took an overnight bath in olive oil, rosemary and garlic, then was slow grilled over coals. When the 4th rolls around, you have to light up the grill. It is dressed with a yogurt blue cheese sauce.

Still one of my favorite salads. The trick is to buy the ingredients in as small amounts as you can. There are so many ingredients, if you get them in all the usual quantities, you will have just built a salad that will feed an army. Hot side: Green beans, peas, pine nuts and shallots. Cold Side: celery, fennel, bib lettuce, parsley, lemon and olive oil.

Pictured above is the secret ingredient: the Texas Hill Country. Add it to any weekend and it is tough to have a bad time.

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