You Are Better Off Alone

Don’t be fooled by most fine dining establishments in Austin. With five or less ingredients you can probably cook something as good or far better than most. A good cut of meat from Central Market or Whole Foods (not to mention Richardson’s Farm), fresh salad greens from a farmers’ market or even dried store bought pasta (I like Bertolli) should give you all you need.

Think about it before you drop serious coin on a meal. Pasta is a great example. If you take your time, you can can get excellent results. Go slow and connect with the process. Think of cooking as a form of therapy (except way cheaper).

Total $1.28: dried noodles, sliced garlic, chili flakes, olive oil, salt, pepper and a grind of Parmesan. That price beats the crap out of Olive Garden (not to mention the posher destinations in town). Hell, make the dish four times. Eat the one you like the best. You’ll still save money.

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