Lurking in the Bushes Around Dinner Time

Knock, knock… who’s there? A couple of your friends knocking on your door. It’s dinner time and they are hungry. Not wanting them to turn to processed food stuffs at a local drive through, I invite them in and turn on the burners. Dinner for four, coming up!

I fall back on a staple: Mediterranean inspired Braised Chicken. I almost always have chicken on hand, and the other components are in the pantry or the yard. The chicken gets a quick dusting of flour, salt and pepper. Then, into a medium hot pan to develop a crust. Next up is the flavor kit. Rosemary, garlic and olives are given a quick fry to open them up. The pan is then deglazed with white wine and the chicken jumps back in with the addition of whole plum tomatoes.

Check the sauce and adjust the seasoning, reheat some leftover mashed potatoes, grab a glass of whine, scream at everyone to turn down the stereo, and sit down to a perfectly respectable meal that took less than half an hour to make. Mission accomplished.

2 replies on “Lurking in the Bushes Around Dinner Time”

  1. You guys are awesome! Thanks for sharing. I could use some more of that Phelps Creek Le Petit Pinot and/or your go-to chicken dish. Good times. Let me know when you don’t want those awful speakers of yours anymore.

  2. Really, less than half an hour? That is impressive. I’ve always had trouble making meals both quick and delicious. It’s usually one or the other. Good to know I can have it both ways!

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