Hot and Cold Pea and Green Bean Salad

The title may have given this away; the ingredients for this salad are divided into two groups. Two of the four ‘hot’ side items can be prepped ahead of time: toasted pine nuts and thinly sliced caramelized shallots. Watch out for the pine nuts. I believe that they are the second most burned item in the kitchen, right behind bacon. I toast them in a dry skillet and hover over them. The shallots are comparatively easy, cooking them slowly in oil, salt and pepper while casually reading the kitchen porn that is the Hubert catalog.

The cold side can also be prepped prior to plating: Torn Baby Bib lettuce, thinly sliced fennel and celery. And, since I already bought things that they are attached to, I toss in celery leaves and fennel fronds. Waste not want not.

The remaining two hot ingredients are up next: French green beans and peas (frozen organic). I get an oiled pan wicked hot and toss in the beans. They will cook quickly and pick up some color. This part is very loud and exciting and I don’t recommend getting too close to it with anything flammable. Least of which, hair or skin.

Bring everything together in a big bowl with a splash of olive oil, a squeeze or two of lemon, salt & pepper. I give it a taste (important), realize that there is not nearly enough salt and add more. Tasting proves, testing works.